One of the most fun parts of working with Reviews, Chews & How-Tos is that it has given each of us the opportunity to get to know more about one another, and for each of us, there is increased motivation to work on our own goals when we know we might be accountable in a post!
While not all of us are into 'resolutions', most of us have plans and goals for the next year, and a few of the RCH writers have agreed to share theirs. We'd love to hear about your plans for the next year too - leave a comment so we can all inspire one another!
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Oh, the Paper!
Mo' Messes, Mo' Problems
My oldest, turned 10 this year and her messes have gone from amusing to epic. Not only does she love to make slime and play doh and putty, but she can go on-line and get loads of recipes to feed her creativity. (Heaven help me when she discovers Pinterest!)
So, there are my two goals for 2015! Now, I must go clean up yesterday’s epic slime-fest. Let’s just say that food coloring, shaving cream, glue and glitter, should NEVER be used together, despite what you might read on Pinterest.
Every year, I resolve to keep my house clean, and while it is cleaner, I still have a ways to go.
This year, I am going to focus on two specific goals, in hopes that one of them might actually happen!
Oh, the Paper!
My first goal is to get the house, specifically, my kids’ school work, organized.
When my oldest started school, I was surprised by all the paper she brought home. Now that my youngest is in kindergarten, we have three students in school and we are drowning in paper! It is truly mind-boggling, between projects, art-work and general homework, how many trees my kids are burning through.
Last year, I put their papers in magazine holders, which split from all the paper. This year I made them a stacking paper holder, that was a total fail. Now, I have a binder for each of them. Since we have moved to tear-off textbooks, I am hopeful that this will also give them a starting point for studying, as well.
Mo' Messes, Mo' Problems
My oldest, turned 10 this year and her messes have gone from amusing to epic. Not only does she love to make slime and play doh and putty, but she can go on-line and get loads of recipes to feed her creativity. (Heaven help me when she discovers Pinterest!)
Consequently, I am constantly finding half-filled bottles of supremely disgusting concoctions everywhere. I am sure that when she is an award winning chemist, this will be great. Until then… I find myself cleaning out slime, congealed oils and other grossness.
My goal is empower my kids to clean up after themselves and/or to find a way to harness my oldest creative energies in a positive manner. Over Christmas, we gave her a sugar scrub kit and that went over quite well, so there is hope!
So, there are my two goals for 2015! Now, I must go clean up yesterday’s epic slime-fest. Let’s just say that food coloring, shaving cream, glue and glitter, should NEVER be used together, despite what you might read on Pinterest.
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Its that
time of year where we all decide what changes we will make to better ourselves
in the coming new year. I have to admit that I was always one to make a
resolution and never worry much about it. This year is going to be different
for me. There’s a lot of stuff I want to change but I am also being realistic
about it and making decisions that I know can happen. Sure, the will take a lot
of work, but I am willing and ready to put in the work. So here it goes.
I want to
get off the couch more. I will donate my time and energy to local projects to
better the community as well as just spend more time outside. That can be hard
to do here in the Mojave Desert at times because of the weather, but I plan the
make the best of what time I have here. I want to take my daughter hiking in
the mountains so that she can experience the beauty that this place holds. If
my wife is willing to accompany us she is more than welcome to join and enjoy
the scenery.
I want to be
an all-around better husband and father. I know at times I lose my patience
with both my wife and oldest daughter. I want to include Hailey (age 5) in more that I
do and treat Jackie to things that she has always wanted. I want to spend more
time together as a family and less time connected to the internet.
I’d like to work out more on my
own. I want to lose at least 15 pounds in the next few months and would like to
ultimately be back down to 160 by the time we PCS to Italy in October.
I also
want to dedicate to reading one book a month this year. I have never been much
of a reader but I have been finding myself enjoying it much more often now that
I ever have.
I am also open to suggestions on what books to read! I am huge fan
of fantasy novels. I have read the entire Lord of the Rings series including
The Hobbit. I really enjoyed reading The Hunger Games series as well. I am
currently about to start the Maze Runner series. Let me know in the comments if
you have any suggestions for me!
We here at
Reviews, Chews, and How-to’s as well as the Snider Family wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. I
hope you all work as hard as we do to achieve our resolutions and can find the
drive you need to maintain your changes.
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Every single year I make a slew of New Year's Resolutions.
Sometimes, they aren’t even resolutions, just promising myself to do something
within that year.
I would even write letter to myself not to be opened until
the following new year, to ask myself if I followed through.
I can’t honestly
say if I have ever fully lived up to a single one I’ve ever made. When I was
younger it would be things centered around school, or boys even. Then it was to
stop biting my nails and lose weight. More recently it was things involving my
husband and children - being more involved, more caring, along with restating
past resolutions.
The problem is, no matter how good my intentions were, they
were just statements of change without any PLAN as to how I would accomplish
them. That is how this year is going to be different. I have many things in my
life I plan to change, but I for the sake of this entry, I will talk about the
three main goals AND how I plan to accomplish them.
My health. This encompasses a few aspects.
For starters, my
weight is something I want to change. My goal, short term is to see a “ONE” at
the beginning of numbers, which is about 10-15lbs off depending on the day. By
the end of the year I’d love to see it somewhere closer to about 170. This
isn’t going to magically occur on its own.
Eating better is a huge factor. I
know that simply cutting out current habits will make a difference.
There was a
time in my life when I absolutely hated soda. Unfortunately, thanks to my
husband, I have become accustomed to Mountain Dew, and Cream Soda. Again, I
would like better further into the year, but I like to start small and
realistically. So, I declare no more than one soda a day. (This is not an
everyday thing, as is, but when it’s in the home, it really is) Also, no more
than 2 Starbucks drinks a week.
I want to get back into incorporating Abundant
Harvest Organic produce boxes into our meals, so I would like to commit to one
a month - and actually use it!!
The other obvious factor into a body change is
going to be physical activity. I would like to commit to walking 4 times a
week, and some form of home exercising twice a week.
This is a big one. I am a self
proclaimed packrat. I always have been. I’m also super stingy, so even when I
know its time to let something go, I’ll be damned if it’s leaving the house for
less than $2.75. Yea, it’s that bad.
I tell myself that I thrive better in chaos. All my drawers
hang open, with clothes spewing out, our kitchen has at least 4 junk drawers, no
surface - dressers, nightstand, coffee table, dinner table, …the floor - is safe
from junk.

A few weeks ago, I attended a minimalist meeting and toured a lady’s
house who lives the complete opposite. I was in shock. There was no junk piles,
no day care’s worth of toys taking over the house, no clutter. She owned very
little, but was perfectly happy. I spent days just being so disgusted at my
house after that. How did we get this way?
My family has decided to take part
in a 30 day minimalist challenge that will hopefully foster permanent change. Each day, we
have to get rid of one thing. You can sell it, gift it, donate it or toss it
but it has to be out of your house by midnight each day. I’m very excited by
this and I think I’m finally ready to just let go!
This has been a huge struggle with our family as
neither of us is particularly good at budgeting. To make matters worse, we
aren’t good about communication things about money very well either. So
sometimes we think the other paid a bill, and as result, it doesn’t get paid.
Or neither of us are actually aware of what is currently in the bank, or still
needs to be paid, or whatever the case may be.
We desperately need to find a
better way to manage, and especially get on the same page about that
management. I’ll be honest, we still have yet to really sit down and problem
solve this issue, but my first order of business is to admit that we are
incapable and find a crutch. Done.
You Need A Budget
has a computer program with a phone app that syncs together, helping you keep
track of every dollar spent. I plan to give that a try. Fingers crossed!!
We are also well aware that we have far too much frivolous
spending, hopefully some of the other changes (less starbucks/fast food, not
bringing in pointless flutter) will help aid in changing our bad spending
While there is plenty else I’d love to see happen (unplug
and spend more time together, temper, etc) I truly believe that these three
main focuses WILL provide the stepping-stones that the rest will fall into
place. I look forward to updating readers on how this progress is going!
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Aspirations for 2015:
A big part of getting healthy over the last year was in preparation for having a baby - my goal is to get knocked up, put a bun in the oven, make a mini-us.
I have lost over 40 lbs, gained energy, stamina, and live a much healthier and more active lifestyle. I plan to keep eating right when I get said baby in the belly and keep up being as active as I can.
Not gunna lie, I'm also looking forward to delivering a healthy baby, then breastfeeding so I can for once in my life have big boobs.
Boobs, probably the best aspiration you'll read about all year, I know.

We do an annual migration to Rocklahoma (3 day rock concert in Pryor, OK). This year we plan to spend part of the trip looking into relocating in the area. We will look at housing and transfer opportunities for employment.
That is a big scary one. Moving. But to raise a family where people are more genuine, more nice, and the cost of living is more affordable seems like a good idea to me.
Happy new year, and good luck with your goals and aspirations!
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I've decided to start packing my daughter's lunch for school.
Parents were recently invited to join students at my daughter's school for a holiday lunch. I was appalled by the food.
It was nearly inedible and completely lacked nutrition. Flavored milk, a desert choice with every meal (they offer breakfast and lunch), canned or overcooked vegetables and everything else deep fried.
Apparently Texas hasn't gotten on the bandwagon for improved school lunch. I had no idea it was that bad.
My daughter comes home from school hungry every day. Now I know its because she isn't eating what is offered to her.
So, I've equipped myself with a cute lunchbox, some fun bento accessories and have made a list with my little ones help of tasty and nutritious lunch ideas! Here's to hoping I can stick this resolution out!
Happy New Year!
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2015 promises to be another exciting year of changes.
I will begin a new phase of personal and professional growth that promises to make the year one of mental and spiritual growth.
I will begin a new phase of personal and professional growth that promises to make the year one of mental and spiritual growth.
Some of the goals I want to share:
Physical: Losing weight is a common goal to be sure, and it is one of mine. Two years ago I dropped about forty pounds. Since then, some of it has come back.
Travel: I want at least one good vacation this year, either back to Maine or somewhere new. If time and budget permit, even more travel would be nice.
Financial: I want to increase my income, augmenting my salary with outside projects. If I can find a way to align those outside projects with personal interests, so much the better.
General: I hope that I will end 2015 as a better person than I start it, by bettering myself in all aspects of an awesome life.
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I am not a fan of resolutions - they make me feel guilty about failure before I've even begun!
But I'm a huge fan of goalsetting, because if I know what I want to accomplish, it makes it easier to establish steps to get there.
And while this is an appropriate time to be mindful of goals, I think it's usually a mistake to try to begin all of them on January 1st!
So while I intend to work on all of these, they'll each have their own timeframe for beginning.
So while I intend to work on all of these, they'll each have their own timeframe for beginning.
1. Health - yep, this is a theme, I know! I want to drop some pounds, increase activity, and reset some bad eating habits that have crept in. I also have a few doctor's appointments for check ups and the like to take care of this year.
2. Savings Fund - This goes together with Michael's goals. We want to be able to travel more, both to places we simply wish to visit, and to be able to spend time with various family and friends. To do this without derailing our financial goals, I'd like to set up a travel savings fund. (Our general savings is in pretty good shape, although with old age looming, it's never enough, is it?)
I came across these printables, which include an ingeneous savings plan where one starts out in the first week of January setting aside $52. The next week it's $51, and so on, until the last week of December, you're setting back $1 - doing this front loads the pain to the start of the year when you're highly motivated and in a year, you've saved $1378. We are both going to do this - so by the end of 2015, we'll have $2756 put into a travel fund!
3. Declutter/Downsize/Organize - When we combined households, Michael and I ended up in a home bursting to the rafters with things that are duplicated and have nowhere to go. It's been three and a half years now - so this is overdue.
This is a one foot at a time battle, to get rid of what we don't need, find an organized place for things we do, make it all aestheticially pleasing, so that next year we can start looking at a few renovations.
I've not laid out my plan for this yet, although I'm intrigued by this 26 week 'Declutterathon' and may jump in!
This is a one foot at a time battle, to get rid of what we don't need, find an organized place for things we do, make it all aestheticially pleasing, so that next year we can start looking at a few renovations.
I've not laid out my plan for this yet, although I'm intrigued by this 26 week 'Declutterathon' and may jump in!
4. Improve Reviews, Chews & How-Tos! We've got a weekly newsletter now to keep subscribers informed so that you don't miss anything, and beginning this Friday, we're starting a blog link up called Awesome Life Friday to help bring great bloggers and blog posts together! I'm very excited by this, and I know we'll all keep on learning more about how to do this right as we go.
5. Hobbies and Personal Projects - There are a few goals here:
- learn and practice the dulcimer I got for my birthday this summer. By the end of the year, I'd like to be able to play well enough to manage a simple song in public. (ulp!)
- there is a religious studies program that I've been avoiding finishing for a couple years now. This will be done in 2015. Period.
- Cross Stitchery. I have a large project that will be someone's gift next Christmas, at least 2 projects for various charity auctions, as well as one or two for me. I also want to budget for several framings of items I've already completed so that they can be hung up (see 'aesthetics'!).
I know that there will be many other goals, especially in that last category - that's how I am. But for now, these will do, and it all boils down to the wish I have for us all:
May 2015 be a year of health, wealth and happiness for everyone!
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We were Featured!
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The Cottage Market - Junkin Joe |
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~ Centerpiece Wednesday, Fluster's Creative Muster, Homemaking Party, Homemaking Wednesday, Inspiration Party, Mommy Club, Project Parade, Wake Up Wednesday, Wednesday Roundup, Whatever Goes Wednesday, Whimsy Wednesday, Wicked Awesome Wednesday, Wine'd Down Wednesday, Wonderful Wednesday.
~ Home & Garden Thursday, HomeAcre Hop, It's A Party, Showcase Your Talent, Thursday Favorite Things.
~ Anything Goes, BFF Open House Party, Crafting Along, DIY Junkin' Joe, Feathered Nest Friday, Foodie Friday, Foodie Friends Friday, Freedom Fridays, Friday Favorites, Friday Feature Linky Party, Pin Junkie Pin Party, Frugal Friday, Handmade Hangout, Home Sweet Home, Kitchen Fun & Crafty Friday, Let's Get Real Friday, Shabbilicious Friday, Show and Tell Friday, Weekend Re-Treat.
~ Creative Collection, Dare to Share, Link Party Palooza, No-Rules Weekend, Saturday Sharefest, Show and Tell Saturday, Simple Saturdays, Simply Natural Saturday, Super Saturday, Weekend Wind Down.
~ DIY Sunday Showcase, DIY Inspired, Found & Foraged, Nifty Thrifty Sunday, Share Your Creativity, Silver Pennies Sunday, Sunday Brunch, Sunday FUNday, Think Pink Sunday.
~ A Round Tuit, Amaze Me Monday, Art of Homemaking Monday, Block Party, Busy Monday, Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Craftastic Monday, Frugal Crafty Home, Inspiration Monday, Masterpiece Monday, Meandering Monday, Mix It Up Monday, Mommy Monday, Monday Musings Blog Hop, Mostly Homemade Monday, Motivation Monday, Much Ado About Monday, Mum-Bo Monday.
~ Anti-Procrastination Tuesday, Good Tips Tuesday, Handmade Tuesday, Hearth and Soul, One Project At A Time, The Scoop, Share It Link Party, Show and Share, Take A Look Tuesday, Talented Tuesday, Time To Sparkle, Tip Me Tuesday, TOO Cute Tuesdays, Totally Talented Tuesdays, Tuesdays At Our Home, Tuesdays With A Twist, Turn It Up Tuesday, Tutorial Tuesday, Treasure Box Tuesday, Two Cup Tuesday, You're Gonna Love It Tuesday,