Thursday, September 24, 2015

Awesome Life Friday #36

Welcome!  We're so looking forward to seeing what you've been cooking, creating, growing, decorating, reviewing, giving away, and thinking about this week!

Here's what we've all been doing over the last week:

 We hope you'll check these out if you haven't already!


And now our favorite part - the FEATURES!  If you're one of our featured posts, we'd love it if you'd grab a button, and thanks to all of you who shared with us last week!

If you are one of our FEATURED bloggers, this button is for you!

(Roasted Corn & Shrimp Salad with Southwest Spicy Ranch Dressing) // A Life Well Red 

Thank you all so much for sharing your awesomeness!

Are you all ready to party?  If you like, we'd love it you'd help spread the word by grabbing our button:

Here we go!

We look forward to seeing what is making your life awesome this week!

Share with us whatever is currently making your life awesome - recipes, crafts, how-tos, personal essays, round ups, giveaways or product reviews, we'd love to hear about it.

Our rules are simple. We ask that:

  • you follow us in some way (Facebook, Bloglovin', Twitter, Pinterest, etc)
  • give us a link back (in your post, side bar, or a blog hop list)
  • don't repost something you've already shared

In order to be Featured, the post will need to be no more than two weeks old and contain a link back we can find.  All posts that are qualified to be Featured will also be pinned on our Awesome Life Friday Pinterest Board.

Of course, we love comments, and please go visit a few other linked up posts while you're here!

Finally, if you want to be sure never to miss Awesome Life Friday's start time, sign up for our Newsletter!

Have fun, and thank you for sharing!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my candy corn crochet pattern!

  2. Thank you Lynda for Awesome Life Friday 36. I love Fall and the cooler weather and even the rain. It has been the driest summer and hottest summer that I can remember.

  3. Thanks for hosting Lynda. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  4. Thanks so much for the featuring my Roasted Corn Salad, Lynda! I enjoy coming here every Friday! :)

  5. Lynda, thanks for hosting another week. Lots of ideas and Fall inspiration here. Have a great weekend.

  6. Thanks for hosting and informing me about the party!

  7. Thank you for this party. My first time here, I added your Banner to my party page. I found you from my Blog Booster Party that led to another party that led me here. Awesome.
