Thursday, June 1, 2017

Awesome Life Friday #115

Welcome to Awesome Life Friday!

We're so looking forward to seeing what you've been cooking, creating, growing, decorating, reviewing, giving away, and thinking about this week!

While you're here, leave your posts at the other link up we co-host here - Party in Your PJs!  It starts on Tuesday evenings, and runs through Sunday.  I hope you'll join us there as well!

Here's a bit of what we've been up to this week:

May Stitchery Progress

And now our favorite part - the FEATURES !  If you're one of our featured posts, we'd love it if you'd grab a button, and thanks to all of you who shared with us last week!

No Harm, No Fowl // LisaPomerantzster: Are We There Yet?
"I would not be surprised at all, to find that our building and the surrounding homes, were built atop what was once, some sort of chicken cemetery. If you just go by the gross numbers of very gross bones per walk, per day — something just doesn’t add up. Storms, wind, digging, and these bones surface.  It’s haunting in a ‘Carol Ann, don’t go near the light’ kind of way."

Chef Salad Recipe That's Crisp, Creamy Perfection // Quirky Inspired
"Crisp cool lettuce, shredded carrots of all colors, and bringing the family together over a fresh tossed salad that’s what summer is all about to the Sears family."

Blue Heaven Mid-Century Modern Dinnerware // My Thrift Store Addiction
"Like Quaker Oats, Royal China often offered the dishes as promotions in grocery store premium catalogs like this one from the midwest chain Red Owl."

Patriotic Wreath from Bandannas // Country Chic Cottage
"You can make this patriotic wreath from bandannas with just two supplies and in just 15 minutes."

Instant Pot Orange Pineapple Curd // Lamberts Lately
"I'm sure most of you have heard of lemon curd (but, like me, had probably never had it before this).  This is a new one for me, but I don't know that I can live without it now!"

Raspberry Ginger Ale Jam // The Ramblings of an Aspiring Small Town Girl
"I’ve never made my own raspberry jam before but I have made other kinds and once you know how to make any berry jam, the rest is easy. But how to make it extra super awesome…. why not add some organic, super tangy, ginger ale to the mix? OMG! Best jam ever!"

If you are one of our FEATURED bloggers, this button is for you!

Thank you all so much for sharing your awesomeness!

Are you all ready to party?  If you like, we'd love it you'd help spread the word by grabbing our button:

Here we go!

We look forward to seeing what is making your life awesome this week!

Share with us whatever is currently making your life awesome - recipes, crafts, how-tos, personal essays, round ups, giveaways or product reviews, we'd love to hear about it.

We ask that:
  • you follow us in some way (Facebook, Bloglovin', Twitter, Pinterest, etc)
  • give us a link back (in your post, side bar, or a blog hop list)
  • don't repost something you've already shared

All posts that are Featured will also be pinned on our Awesome Life Friday Pinterest Board.

Of course, we love comments, and please go visit a few other linked up posts while you're here!

Finally, if you want to be sure never to miss Awesome Life Friday's start time, sign up for our Newsletter!

Have fun, and thank you for sharing!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. OhMyGoodness, I can't believe it's June already, can you? I hope it's a great month for you!

  2. Thanks for the great party. Have a fabulous weekend!

  3. Thank you Lynda for your 115th Awesome Life Friday, appreciated.
    Have a good weekend.

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my Blue Heaven dinnerware! Happy weekend!

  5. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Love each and every one of the features. Lisa cracks me up, and I'd love to have COuntry CHic Cottage decorate my home with all of her projects. Plus those recipes (orange pineapple curd, oh my!) And those dishes!

    Thanks for sharing on #FridayFrivolity
