Friday, November 14, 2014

Review & Giveaway: Bitsy's Brainfood

Every parent wants to do right by his or her kids. That’s why we are willing to go drive ourselves absolutely insane trying to get them to eat what they should (even if we don’t follow the same standards!)

We spend countless hours begging, pleading, negotiating, yelling, screaming, threatening, and demanding a 4 year old to eat just ONE BITE of a green bean. And guess what? We still usually lose! Children are strong willed. They are opinionated. Unfortunately none of this changed the fact that as their caregivers, we are responsible for their well being.

Bitsy’s Brainfood hopes they have created a way to teach and empower kids to WANT to eat well. They believe that by making the knowledge fun, as well as making the much needed nutrients accessible in other forms, children will be excited to eat their fruits and vegetables.

Eat Smart, Be Smart! Founders, Maggie and Alex, met at a non-profit organization geared toward bringing knowledge to kids about giving back and volunteering. As they talked to one another, they discovered a mutual lack of healthy options for the children in their everyday lives.

For them, Bitsy’s Brainfood isn't about deceiving children and sneaking nutrition into their bodies without them knowing (but hey, it doesn’t hurt!). It is about teaching children to crave the right foods and making learning about nutrition fun and exciting.

Their products come with fun packaging to teach kids about what they are eating. My favorite part of how they do this is that their website is fully interactive with children in mind. To me, it was reminiscent of Living Books computer games. You will even find a handful of free educational and fun printables for kids to color.

My family had the privilege of trying Bitsy’s Brainfood Fruit & Veggies 123 cereal, as well as Lemon Broccoli Smart Cookies.

My daughter wanted the cookies right away. My husband and I were also beyond curious so we opened them up as soon as they arrived.

I decided to not tell her the flavor until after she tried it. She really enjoyed them!

My husband and I had a different opinion on the matter, but were glad she like them. I thought they tasted like what I would assume dog treats would. They had a cardboard like texture, and I wasn't a fan of the flavor at all.

Again though, my 5 year old was more than satisfied. She was amazed when I told her what was in them, and wasn't turned off at all by having the knowledge. Score!

She happily accepted them as snacks for the next few days. These cookies have Omega 3 DHA + EPA. It also is armed with vitamin A, B12, B6, D3, Folic Acid, and Iron and the ingredients are all non-GMO. Finally, each box comes with a collectable superfood sticker inside!

Sadly, the cereal didn't go over as well. Unfortunately, Hailey's father introduced her to the wonders of sugary cereals early on, so that’s a battle I've never won. All she would say is that it ‘tasted funky’ and refused to eat more than the one bowl full.

However, we passed them off to a friend and her son and daughter both happily enjoyed the rest of the box.

The Fruits and Veggies 123 cereal is USDA organic, non-GMO and is chock full of the good stuff! On top of having 23 grams of whole grains per serving, you will also be supplying your kids with vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, Zinc, and Iron!

As if that’s not enough, the cereal itself is shaped like numbers and the box is covered in educational games and facts.

On their website, aside from all the really neat kid play, there is also a blog filled with healthy recipes, articles, and thought provoking discussions to bring health and knowledge to your family’s kitchen table.

Another really cool aspect of their company is their charity practices. They have a program called Giving A Bitsy Back where they donate cases of their product to schools and non profit organizations of preschool and elementary aged children.

I will be introducing my child to their other Bitsy's Brainfood products and hope we can find a combination she enjoys!

These products can be found online at such retails like and Amazon to name a few. Likewise, they are in a few physical stores like Wegmans and Whole Foods. The price of each seems to vary store to store.

Bitsy's Brainfood Website
Bitsy's Brainfood on Facebook
Bitsy's Brainfood on Twitter
Bitsy's Brainfood on Instagram

Bitsy's Brainfood has agreed to give a box of Fruit & Veggie 123 Cereal and a box of Lemon Broccoli Cookies to one of our readers!  To enter the giveaway, leave a comment in this entry as instructed by the Rafflecopter, then leave the name you commented under and your email in the box in the Rafflecopter entry. (This lets us contact you if you win!)  This will open up additional optional entries to increase your odds of winning.

This giveaway is open to US RESIDENTS only and will end just before midnight ET on 11-28. The winner will be notified by email within 24 hours after the end of the giveaway.  In order to claim the giveaway prize, the winner will need to respond within 24 hours of notification, or an alternate winner will be selected.

Good luck everyone!

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  1. First of all. The website is super cute! lol Love the graphics and the music at the beginning.
    And second. I TOTALLY relate to this "We spend countless hours begging, pleading, negotiating, yelling, screaming, threatening, and demanding a 4 year old to eat just ONE BITE of a green bean. And guess what? We still usually lose!" OMG yes. Just yes. But we try. He does like guacamole. We give him a vitamin. But we are trying to get my son to eat more healthy foods. Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. We have seriously had our daughter at the dinner table for 3 hours, only to send her to bed without eating, and presenting her with that same green bean at breakfast! So frustrating!!

      Good luck on the giveaway

    2. Been there! I have 5 boys and have definitely wrestled with them to eat their greens before! I recently read an article that taught that in France, kids simply eat whatever the adults are eating. Period. They have very fancy pallets by the time they are in kindergarten. I think the trick is simply not giving kids an option. My boys are older now, but if I could do it over, I would give them less options and more nutrition:).

  2. Eating healthy has healed many problems in my body. I am now trying to encourage my Grandkids to eat as healthy as possible.

  3. I've never heard of Bitsy's. I like the games on the website!

  4. I learned that I can buy Bitsy's on Amazon or at Whole Foods Market.

  5. I'v been trying to eat food's that are healther it's hard on a buget so Bitsy's brain food would help me eat better,I learned that it's full of Fruit's,vegetables,grain's and Protein.

  6. I visited the site, and it's pretty great. Unlike most sites, the focus is actually upon educating kids about healthy eating while entertaining them, rather than how to convince you to buy from them. There are tons of games and interactive things on there. It's definitely a company I would love to try products from!

  7. I learned that Bitsy's Brainfood was started by two moms.

  8. I learned that you can buy Bitsy's Brainfood at Whole Foods which is amazing because there is one right down the street from my house!

  9. I had no idea that you can get Bitsy's on! This site is super cute as well :)

  10. I learned I can buy them locally at Whole Foods!

  11. I learned that this product is sold at Whole Foods! I've never seen it there before! :D

  12. I tried to force my son to eat veggies but it didn't work,he is now an adult and still does not like them.

  13. I learned that their products are available on Amazon and at Whole Foods.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  14. I learned company was started by two new moms:)
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  15. Thankfully my daughter's absolute favorite foods are broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans. With that said, she doesn't ever want to eat anything other than that. I think that these foods might actually stand a chance with my daughter's taste buds. I'd love to try them!! amandajbaker13 AT gmail Dot com

  16. We like to encourage balance with our kids. Food is fuel for a healthy body.

  17. It's been a challenge to get my son to eat his green veggies. He's not opposed to methods to hide them within food, so these products would be great to try with him. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. I just learned that I can buy these yummy brainfood from Amazon!
    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N

  19. I'm going to have to find these! I'm always on the lookout for a healthy snack my toddler can have right after daycare, when she's cranky from being so hungry. Problem is that even "healthy" snacks really are just junk. These look promising though!
