
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Party in Your PJs #242 - Warming Winter Soups

Happy Tuesday!  Welcome to the Party in Your PJs Link Party, where your posts will be seen on three different blogs each week.

I'm so glad to be back! We took a couple weeks off for the holidays and then (briefly) tried the updated inLinkz. It did not go well at all. There are many things I do not love about that version, either as a back end user or as a front end user linking up to my favorite parties!  Thank goodness, we went back to the older version and will stay with it at least until they sort out their beta testing.

  Meet the Co-Hosts

Nina @ Grandma Ideas 

Lynda @ Reviews, Chews & How-Tos 

Lynda's Features!

I don't know if there is anything on a cold winter's day that warms you up as well as a thick, rich soup or stew! It has been bitter, bitter cold and windy the last few days, but these steaming hot meals are sure to take out the sting.

 Make sure you head over to the other members of Party in Your PJs
 to see their features - we each pick our own!

All links are pinned to a Party can follow the board on Pinterest...feel free to follow the board, there is lots of inspiration to be found there.

Ok...let's party!

Rules -Link to post, not your home page
-Link to something YOU made, wrote or thought
-No Etsy or Business Pages
-Link Parties, Roundups and Giveaways welcome
- Don't Link and Run! Please visit other links, make friends, learn something new, leave a comment.


  1. Oooh! This is definitely warm winter soup weather!

  2. What wonderful soups! I love a good, hot soup on a cold winter night in front of the fire. Can't wait to try some of these. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a wonderful week! *Hugs*

  3. Thanks for the party! Hope you're having a wonderful week.

  4. Lynda - so much deliciousness to behold! Mouth is watering. Just discovered this delightful party and partying in my pjs has m'name all over it - I live in mine & won't apologize! I'm sharing at #185 - I put thought into how I want to start this new year, and the question of 'what do I want to give myself to' provoked soul searching. Hope you like my house tour, and thank you for hosting! -michele
