
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Party in Your PJs! #238 - Holiday Decor Inspiration

Happy Tuesday!  Welcome to the Party in Your PJs Link Party, where your posts will be seen on three different blogs each week.

 Meet the Co-Hosts

Nina @ Grandma Ideas 

Lynda @ Reviews, Chews & How-Tos 

Facebook // Pinterest // Twitter // Instagram

Ann @ The Apple Street Cottage 

Facebook // Pinterest // Instagram

Last spring, my husband and I moved into our current apartment, so this is the first Christmas we've had here!   We have three small areas where we can decorate for the season:  a metal year-'round ornament tree in the dining area, the mantle over the fireplace, and a small antique sewing machine console in front of the living room window.

I'm rather pleased with how they all came out, although there were still several items in the bins that we just had no room for.

Evergreen garland and lights give this metal ornament tree the illusion of being an evergreen tree.  Our ornaments are an eclectic collection of purchased items, stitched ornaments and a few of my (now adult) children's creations from when they were small.

This was an experiment I did a few years ago, creating a cross stitched 3D TARDIS with perforated plastic.  It was such a pain in the neck to stitch together, and the plastic bows in slightly, so I've never been tempted to make another.

This stuffed teddy ornament was made from a scrap of fabric from a baby blanket I quilted for my second oldest daughter.

Just a few favorite ornaments - the one in the center is a Mill Hill cross stitch kit, stitched on gold perforated paper and beaded.   I so love how that came out!

Our mantle was filled with assorted Santas, nutcrackers and tomtes and provided a good place to display assorted leftover ornaments that found no place on the tree.

Two large Nuremberg style angels are sharing space with my peacock figuring in front of the window.

Finally, our greenman wallhanging got a Yuletide crown for the occasion.

Lynda's Features!

 Make sure you head over to the other members of Party in Your PJs
 to see their features - we each pick our own!

All links are pinned to a Party can follow the board on Pinterest...feel free to follow the board, there is lots of inspiration to be found there.

Ok...let's party!

Rules -Link to post, not your home page
-Link to something YOU made, wrote or thought
-No Etsy or Business Pages
-Link Parties, Roundups and Giveaways welcome
- Don't Link and Run! Please visit other links, make friends, learn something new, leave a comment.


  1. Lydia,
    Thanks so much for the feature!! I will be giving you a Shout Out on Google+. Face Book and in my next post!! Thanks too for hosting each week!! Your decorations are lovely!! I adore your Tardis ornaments! My oldest son and I are huge Dr. Who fans!!

  2. These decorations are fantastic! They just make me feel the spirit of Christmas. #shelbeeontheedge

  3. Thank you for sharing and love party in your pjs.

  4. Beautiful tree and I love all the eclectic ornaments. Our tree has a huge variety of ornaments too.

  5. I love all the pretty features the ornaments are wonderful!!!
    This is the earliest I put up our tree, Dec 1st. I am enjoying it everyday!!
    Thanks for hosting and for stopping by Oh My Heartsie Girls WW to share!
    Have a great week!
    Karren Haller

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Such a nice article you have posted. Your articles are always so informative. Christmas cards can be used to decorate your party. You can find some aesthetic photo christmas cards here to decorate your home at Christmas<a

  8. The golden time and opportunity only come once that's why they don't miss this occasion and they don't spare the colorful and fancy decorations in their home is the joy of feeling to enjoy this moment that only happens once a year so they say it's up to you tomorrow is as long as today is happy.
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