
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Party in Your PJs #209

Happy Tuesday!

Welcome to the Party in Your PJs Link Party, where your posts will be seen on three different blogs each week.

You'll also find the Awesome Life Friday link-up here at RCHReviews, every Thursday evening at 8pm ET so we hope to see you there as well.

We're saying goodbye to our fourth co-host, Theresa, from Aging Like Fine Wine. She's decided to step back for awhile as life takes her in new directions, and we wish her well!

I'm getting this up very late this week, and I apologize for that, but daily life events sometimes take precedence over the things we'd rather to be doing!  I don't know about you, but I am very much looking forward to the coming Memorial Day weekend and the start of summer.

 Meet the Co-Hosts

Nina @ Grandma Ideas 

Lynda @ Reviews, Chews & How-Tos 

Lynda's Features!

We've had so much rain this past month, it's been pure joy to finally see the sun and get some time outdoors.  Here's hoping for good weather for Memorial Day Weekend - a good day to visit one of our national cemeteries and then share the company of those we love.


Aren't these cute?  Gingham jars hold picnic condiments and make a great outdoor centerpiece as well as keeps the wind from catching the bottles!

A great dessert to cap off a holiday meal, worthy of family and friends.

I love everything about this dress - the retro style and cheery fabric would be just right for warm summer days.

Our co-host, Donna, put together this utterly charming patio display that is sure to brighten the day of anyone who sees it.

 Make sure you head over to the other members of Party in Your PJs
 to see their features - we each pick our own!

All links are pinned to a Party can follow the board on Pinterest...feel free to follow the board, there is lots of inspiratioPn to be found there.

Ok...let's party!

Rules -Link to post, not your home page
-Link to something YOU made, wrote or thought
-No Etsy or Business Pages
-Link Parties, Roundups and Giveaways welcome
- Don't Link and Run! Please visit other links, make friends, learn something new, leave a comment.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I hope you have a fabulous holiday weekend.
