
Monday, March 21, 2016

A Bunch of Carrots for Spring! (Round Up)

A big part of the fun of having a blog, for me, is that it gives me a good excuse to go peek at what everyone else is up to!  This past month, I've been totally charmed by how often I'm seeing carrots as a theme for Easter and Spring related crafting and cooking - they are such a cheery color to play with as the days grow longer, and make the perfect accessory to bunny-themed decorating.

Here are a few crafts and recipes I've come across this year, many possible to do on short notice if you're seeking some last minute Easter inspiration!

These cute carrot top straws make a fun way to serve kids a special drink.

This very fast and easy DIY uses a few simple items you may already have on hand.

Here's a fun savory snack to tuck into Easter Baskets or add to a table setting to offset all the sweets sure to happen on Easter morning.

These cute little stuffed carrots would look so sweet collected in a basket.

Something special for a woman's Easter Basket or a dish in the bathroom? Yes!

Here's another easy idea to get some carrots into the basket or table setting - a little box that can be filled however you like.

Here's a lovely drawstring pouch to crochet!

Don't forget some carrots for the table! This classic salad is delicious, gluten-free and depending on the type of mayo used, is vegan and/or paleo friendly.

Carrots make an appearance on the dessert table here, in this gluten-free, low sugar version of another classic recipe.

I can't leave out my own carrot offering - this side dish has a bit of the bite and sparkle of a good ginger beer to give it a little something special.

No recipe, but a funny story to go along with this cute way of serving up a cheeseball.

Another delicious take on carrot cake - this one topped with marzipan carrots.

One more carrot themed dessert - this time, adorable individual serve cake pops!

Here's a quickie DIY using repurposed materials to create a favor container for table or basket.

Carved out of foam board, these giant carrots make such a cheerful welcome for the front door!

Finally, this garland made of jute-wrapped carrots adds a wonderful primitive touch to a vintage decorating scheme.

I hope this round up brought a sunshiny smile to your face - I'd love to hear about how you like to use carrots in your Easter and springtime decorating and special mealtimes!

Happy Spring!


  1. Oh my goodness! There are some cute ideas here! Thank you for putting this together and sharing it on the Art of Home-Making Mondays Lynda! :)

  2. What an eclectic bunch of carrots! I love that I can decorate and eat all in one post. Thanks for sharing your post with us at the Over the Moon Link Party.

  3. I love carrots, so bright and fun! I think my favorites are the carrot drinks, the carrot scrub and of course Jenny's huge carrot door decor! How fun! Spring is here and the orange and bright green are just screaming for us to have fun and enjoy it!

  4. That is great post, Love these cute ideas. thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop. pinning and tweeting.

  5. Thanks for sharing so many fun carrot ideas with SYC.

  6. Hi,
    Your crafts and recipes must have been perfect for Easter.
    Thanks for bringing your post to the Blogger's Pit Stop.
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew

  7. Thanks for linking up at #bloggerspotlight. Just wanted to let you know, you linked this up in the #pinit party, not the blog link party. This section is for pinterest links only to be selected as a feature. Just wanted you to know for next time :) Thanks for coming!

  8. Fun and creative ideas for carrots! Thanks for sharing! #SmallVictories
