
Friday, January 12, 2018

Arianna's Magic Boots - Children's Book Review/Giveaway

I recently reviewed a pair of AFO (ankle-foot orthosis)s for baby dolls and expressed how important representation is for children. I'm so pleased to discuss another item that helps my daughter see herself in the things she loves. This time, it's a book!

Both of my children each have bookshelves with hundreds of books between them.

Reading is so special in our house and I'm always looking for new stories to share with them!

Arianna's Magic Boots by Karen A. Gasperini is a heartwarming story about a young girl who uses her imagination, and her AFO's, to go on a wonderful adventure!

The character in the story is based on both the author herself as well as her daughter Arianna, who both have a few disabilities including Clubfoot.

My three year old, Penelope also has clubfeet so I love showing her that she's not alone.

The magical aspect of this book is too sweet.

Arianna starts her day just as any other kid. She has breakfast and gets dressed.

Then she goes off to her Physical Therapy appointment, which is very relatable for many children with disabilities.

While in the doctor's office, she notices a new colorful poster of the jungle. Using her amazing imagination, Arianna stomps her feet three times and says “Away We Go!” which is what initiates her adventures.

We had so much fun reading this and following Arianna and a slew of adorable animals on this journey.

I am a huge fan of toys and books that make Penny feel like her boots or braces are not the enemy! While she no longer wears show inserts, she still related this to her night time brace.

That said, I believe this book is for all children, not just those who have experience with AFOs or other hardware.

While I find it incredibly important that children have books with characters they identify with, I also find it just as important that my children are reading about diversity and learning about the people who are different than them as well.

Arianna's Magic Boots goes a long way toward gently explaining to fully ablebodied children some of the experiences their friends or classmates might be having, and can be a launchpad to a good discussion.

Arianna's Magic Boots is available on Amazon for $10.99 in paperback or for $9.99 on Kindle, and it is available at not cost via  KindleUnlimited!

Keep an eye on their Facebook account for an upcoming interview the authors have with Rhode Island Channel 12 WPRI news.

I'm so excited to know that Arianna has more adventures in store for us! Volume Two, currently in production, will be about underwater exploring!

Coming Soon!

Karen A. Gasperini is giving away one SIGNED print copy of Arianna's Magic Boots to one of our readers worldwide - read on to see how you can enter to win!  I think you'll find this is a good addition to any child's bookshelf.

One winner will receive a signed paperback copy of Arianna's Magic Boots, by Karen A. Gasperini, valued at $10.99.

To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment in this entry as instructed by the Giveaway Tools Entry Form below. This will open up additional optional entries to increase your odds of winning. (If you don't leave a comment, any additional entries will be void.)

This giveaway is open WORLD-WIDE and will end just before midnight ET on 1/27. 

The winner will be notified by email 24 to 48 hours after the end of the giveaway by email. In order to claim the giveaway prize, the winner will need to respond within 24 hours of notification, or an alternate winner will be selected.


  1. I like finding interesting books for my grandkids, and definitely try to find those that show a diversity of experience. I also look for appealing pictures when it comes to picture books - I love how bright the illustrations on the book are!

  2. I always give books as gifts,my grandkids can't get enough of them!

    1. I always look for stories that are educational and fun to read!

  3. i look to make sure that there are no damaging stereotypes and that the art is engaging

  4. I look for unique stories that will interest my grandson.

  5. Reading through a book before I buy it is very important to my husband and I. We've received quite a few books as gifts that end up being donated because they are inappropriate for our kids, or just plain bad. We love a good wholesome story, bonus if it teaches a lesson!

  6. I look for a good story and beautiful illustrations

  7. I mainly get books for Dylan so I try to make sure they are board books. I do buy books for Emily but she likes to read to Dylan so I usually get a book that would interest them both.

  8. I look for something that will be fun to read, but also teach something.

  9. I look for something that will challenge the child's brain !!

  10. i just look for something that the kids will enjoy and i will enjoy too!

  11. I look for something I know my children will enjoy and something interesting

  12. I look for books that would interest my grandson, books that he would enjoy.

  13. I look for books with stories my children would enjoy reading.

  14. This sounds like a wonderful book! I like the fact that it shows your daughter she is not alone and even with her disability she can do anything!


  15. I pick a book that is at my child's reading level and has a good storyline.

  16. I look for books which are age appropriate and ones which I know my children will enjoy both in storyline and in illustrations.

  17. I look for a book that teaches good morals.

  18. I look for books that deliver a good message and that the kids will want to read or have read to them many times over.

  19. I look for books with colorful illustration

  20. I have grandchildren that definitely like to read books with great themes and messages for an amazing and nice time.

  21. My grandchildren absolutely love to read books with cool stories and pictures for a fun and interesting time.

  22. My nieces and nephews absolutely want to read books with good characters and concepts for a marvelous time.

  23. Reading wonderful books with great settings and plots, thay my grandchildren love, is always lots of fun.

  24. I have nieces and nephews really enjoy reading books with fabulous illustrations and presentations to have great fun.

  25. My many children want to read books with awesome art and quality writing for much fun all of the time.

  26. The site offers a carefully chosen selection of books and novels across multiple genres, ensuring a rewarding reading experience for those with a wide range of interests.Readers are invited to explore the vast and enthralling realms of books on reaperscans., a virtual library where the magic of storytelling comes alive.

  27. Giving away the Children's Book is an inspiration for us because Arriana Magic Boots is a magical story and you can enjoy reading it it's nice to listen to the child in their bedtime story with an inspirational imagination to go on adventures and our children some of the experiences tell the story to their friends or classmates.
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