
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Review: Cave Tools Salad Spinner (15% Discount Code)

As the holidays start to round the corner, my mind is always on food! Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays - all are surrounded with food, and the memories that go along with a shared meal.

In our family, we do a lot of camping when the Fall season hits, and while I try my hardest to make healthy meals, it is sometimes a hard task at hand. I love salads and the variations that you can do with them. They are really the start of a good dinner, whether it's a festive occasion or just a quick meal for a busy family on the run.

Cave Tools has come to me again with another product to review! I was given the Quick Dry Salad Spinner with large serving bowl to try out.

Now I have to admit that most times when I make a salad, I do not rinse off the lettuce. I know, I know - you don't even have to say it. But in my defense, I usually get the bagged mix and just go from there.

So, this was going to be new for me. Here is my impressions of this product, coming from someone who has never used a salad spinner of any type before.

Included in the box is a hard plastic 4.2 quart bowl, which is equipped with a non skid base. Inside the bowl is a second vented bowl (like a colander) and then the lid which has a great locking mechanism to ensure your lid is on tight.

The knob to "spin" the salad is pretty easy to use, but make sure that you hold the knob with one hand and the bowl with the other. The bowl will start bouncing all over the place if you don't!

The website and the instruction sheet that is included in the box states that a 30 Gourmet Salad Recipe book is included with each Spinner, but my box was missing it. Bummer!

So, I just had to create my own salad recipe! (Really - does anyone follow a recipe for salad? You put in whatever you have on hand that sounds good together, right?)

I started with a bagged mix of leafy greens, placed them into the vented bowl and that into the plastic bowl. I ran them under the kitchen sink for a minute to wash off the lettuce.

I placed the lid on, locked it into place and spun it for about a minute. It was pretty cool to see all the condensation and water filling up the bottom of the bowl.

After I had finished with the spinning, I was able to pour the water out via the included drain vent, and have my freshly clean (semi) dry greens for my salad.

Once I made my salad (minus the dressing), I placed the lid back on and placed it into my fridge until it was dinner time... and guess what, it was not wilted or gross! So not only a spinner but it can be used as a temporary storage bowl.

It does have a vented portion of the lid so long time storage is probably not recommended, but salad isn't really a long-storage type of dish anyway.

The Cave Tools Salad Spinner would definitely be beneficial for entertaining when you have to make a big salad! For $19.99, you really cannot beat this.  All parts are dishwasher save in the upper rack and the ease of use means I'll be much more likely to be diligent about washing my produce in the future.

Per Cave Tools suggestions for use, I will be trying to "dry" my pasta and fruits next but, for now my dinners will be great with my added salad.

Simple Dinner Salad
Prep Time- 5 Minutes

1 package Mixed Greens of your choice ( I always get the Spring Mix)
1 medium sized cucumber, peeled and diced
1 small tomato, diced
4 baby carrots shaved
a generous sprinkling of Salad Topping from McCormick (its essentially some seasonings, sunflower seeds and diced croutons)
and your dressing of choice

Wash your greens as instructed. Dice up all your topping veggies and mix it all up! It is so easy to create different variations of a simple salad to your liking. Make it with the veggies and even fruits that you like.. What's your favorite things to add to your dinner salads?

Once again, Cave Tools is offering our readers a 15% off discount code for the Salad Spinner.  You can use this code on their website or when you purchase via Amazon. This could be the perfect helper for your holiday meals!

To get your 15% discount, just put in the code SALAD15 at checkout!


  1. I have heard of this. Looks like a pretty handy gadget! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  2. looks like a great product that will make it easier to eat healthy
    come see us at

  3. My mom has one of these and she just loves it. I have been reluctant as I am trying to clear out excess. Perhaps I should reconsider.

  4. I haven't used a salad spinner before either, but it sounds great. I love the fact that you can store the salad in the spinner too.

  5. I'm glad you posted this - I have a salad spinner I bought from Tupperware YEARS ago, and it is falling apart. I was kind of wondering if they still made them, because I used it all the time (which probably explains why it is falling apart)!

  6. I have a very cheap salad spinner that I've used alot and it is on it's last leg, so this is perfect timing! Thank you for sharing on Party in Your PJ's!

  7. Love the salad and the spinner! Your post is awesome and thanks so much for sharing it with us at Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great week and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

  8. I've been looking at a salad spinner for some time. I'm going to check this one out. I live the mixed greens too, although I'm falling in love with the Italian blend. Thanks for sharing your review on Sunday's Best.

  9. great recipe idea!
    Thanks for sharing on the link up too
    best wishes

  10. does all salad spinner work the same? seem to have so many choices and not sure how to pick a salad spinner otehr than looking at their sizes ... haha
