
Monday, February 1, 2016

Review: Twinkle Cup

Imagine if you will that you have a child that is absolutely terrified of public toilets. Not just your average "I don't like to sit on the big potty. It's cold and loud." No, this child would rather hold her pee than use a public toilet. She'd rather deal with wet pants and tears than the fear of the public bathroom.

This wasn't something I had to imagine. This was 100% my life when my daughter transitioned out of diapers and into using the toilet. There was nothing we could do to make the process easy and more comfortable for her. I tried everything. I made a "magic toilet cover" to keep the photo eye from flushing the toilet unexpectedly.

Eventually we resorted to just keeping her portable training toilet in the trunk of our car and let her use it whenever we were away from home. I kept wishing there was something that would make it easier for us to use the bathroom in the actual bathroom rather than in the back of the car.

If I had heard of Twinkle Cup back then, I would have been so relieved (pun intended)!

What is Twinkle Cup? Twinkle Cup is a disposable cup that gives females the ability to use the bathroom without having to sit on the toilet. What?! For real? Yes! It's a neat little folded, easily portable cup that has a plastic liner. Its shaped to fit snugly up against the body to catch the urine stream. You then pour out the contents into the toilet and dispose of the cup. No mess, no fuss.

My daughter has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). More on that in another blog post at a later time.  Suffice it to say that if there is something she doesn't want to do, there is absolutely no way you will get her to do it. We would have done anything to make stressful situations easier on her and I am positive that Twinkle Cup would have been the perfect product for us. Through therapy and working through her discomfort and fears, we are able to use public restrooms now. I still have to stand in the stall with her and hold my hand over the photo eye for the auto-flush, just in case.

The folks at Twinkle Cup sent me a box with about 2 dozen disposable cups. I have kept them in my purse and in my glove box in the car.

We had cause to use them the other day when we were playing at a park with no restrooms. I found them to be very easy to use. It was a little awkward at first, getting my daughter to force her body to eliminate while standing but once the stream started there were no problems.

I can see us using these when we go camping or on road trips. I would whole-heartedly recommend them to any parent or guardian of a female child, especially one with Sensory issues!

You can learn more about Twinkle Cup by visiting them on their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and you can purchase them on Amazon. They sell for $13.50 for six cups. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can get them for $12.15 and free Prime shipping!


  1. Interesting. This would be useful for my daughter who always has to go to the bathroom after we leave a place on a car trip.

  2. Interesting. This would be useful for my daughter who always has to go to the bathroom after we leave a place on a car trip.

  3. I had no idea. Sounds like a great solution to the problem.

  4. I need one for myself, I hate public bathrooms. Some can be so gross, especially gas stations. #ProductReviewParty

  5. I need one for myself too. That would be perfect for a long road trip since I always have to pee every freaking 30 mins. I'm going to need to look into those! #ProductReviewParty

  6. Lauren, how strong are you! And a great parent. To figure out what could help your child, that's awesome. If I had little ones this would be something to have with us all the time, you never know when you might need them!!!
