
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Getting the Most from the Bellicon Rebounder Trampoline (with Video Workout)

I am a health nut, so anything I learn is good for me I’m all about giving a shot.  After spending a good bit of time with my Bellicon Rebounder Trampoline, I'm sold on it's value as a part of a great health regimen.

Have you heard why you should be rebounding?

  • Boosts lymphatic drainage
  • Strengthens immune function
  • Increases bone mass
  • Improves digestion
  • More than twice as effective as running without the extra stress on your joints
  • Increases endurance on a cellular level
  • Improves balance
  • Improves athletic performance in other activities
  • Increases energy by circulating oxygen
  • Full body exercise
  • It’s a fun
  • Can be modified for all levels

I’ve been rebounding for a month consistently (everyday) now. Here’s what I’ve found that I love about the Bellicon:

It's fun and fast to use!
My goal was to rebound every day for 10 minutes. I have been able to easily achieve this. If a day got away from me I added that 10 minutes to the next day. On the days I was doing a 20 minute workout it still flew by with how fun the bounces are.

I’m a mom of a toddler who loves to bounce and is not such a fan of sharing bouncing time. I have convinced him to take turns. He bounces for 10 while I do crunches and then I bounce for 10. I choose power bounces for my 10 jumps. This gives me a great workout using the rebounder without it taking too long.

My son absolutely loves the Bellicon rebounder, it’s a great energy outlet for an active toddler.

Excellent cross-training workout tool
I run regularly (currently training for marathon number 3) and lead a Momma and Kiddo workout group. In addition, the daily 10 minutes of the rebounding on the Bellicon has really helped me keep my body healthy. I plan to increase my Bellicon time and use it as my cross training method.

Larger mat allows for wider variety of movement
The mat is bigger than other rebounders. I love having more space to make larger movements and the opportunity to get creative with my workout routines. The more creativity you have in your workout routine the less likely you are to quit. Think about how boring it would be to do the same thing everyday… with the Bellicon you don’t need to worry about boredom creeping in.

Easy to move and store
The rebounder is easy to move and stylish enough that you want to keep it out. I’m a minimalist that re-arranges often. I enjoy having nothing in our home that we do not believe to be beautiful. Our black Bellicon is a highlight to our healthy lifestyle and home.

Online workout routines keep things interesting
I’ve now completed all the videos I was able to find of workout routines using the Bellicon and have started bouncing with my own ideas. I love that I can get in a great workout with just 10 minutes if I do not have the opportunity to stay on longer. Who does not have 10 minutes they could spare in their day for improving your health?

Flexibility of footwear - or none!
You can bounce barefoot, with slip resistant socks or with shoes. I have tried them all out to feel the difference. I personally prefer barefoot, I love exercising barefoot!

Not sure about a Bellicon Rebounder yet? With a starting price of $499, I know it may feel like a big investment. For me, I look at situations like these as being an investment in myself and my health.

This is a type of equipment that will last you a very long time. I asked Bellicon about how often the bungees need to be changed. What I was told was, “The bungees last a minimum of 2 years - totally depending on the usage. I have been using my Bellicon daily and the latest bungee set is now exactly 2 years old and still totally fine. You start seeing that the bungees start to wear out a bit but at still 100% functional.”

When it is time to give your Bellicon a fresh bounce, bungees are available for $85.00. Check out my video on how easy it is to change them out, along with a full rebounder workout for you to try:

Support hand bars are available for $80. This is a great option for modifications, pilates barre moves, and the older and younger generations.

You can add extra resistance to your workout with lb sand weights ($13.75) or resistance bands ($21.99). I’m a body weight type of girl and can get a great workout with just the Bellicon.

If you want to travel with your rebounder or protect it, a carrying case is available for $90.00.

If you have kids and you're worried about them stepping between the bungees, a frame cushion is available for $80.00.

In addition to my own workout video, you can watch the videos Bellicon has on their website for free (they have 9 up as of now). There’s even one geared towards the gentlemen. The videos can be watched anywhere you have internet connection. I tried them out on my iPhone, ipad, and tv. I found the bigger the screen the better for me to follow along. Bouncing while looking at a small screen adds an extra element of risk of dizziness!

Make sure to check out my first review post on the Bellicon for additional information and to see how easy it was to set up!

Are you ready to see how fun and smooth the bounce is? Stay tuned for video number 3 later this year with more workout routines for your Bellicon!


  1. I have been wanting to try one of these to mix up my workout routine. It's good to know that the bungees last about 2 years. I think this is a good investment.

    1. It has added a great addition to my workouts!

  2. I've never tried anything remotely like a trampoline, it looks like fun and good exercise, but I would think for me, anyway, I could accidentally fall off it then what!!!

    1. They have an accessory you can purchase that is bars to hold on to :)

  3. This looks like so much fun and a great workout. I have wanted a trampoline. I think I would enjoy it.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

    1. I love it! It's so smooth, like being a kid on a giant trampoline again.

  4. great review! love the video - it seems helpful to do cross-training on the rebounder, but it looks so silly haha. I love trampoline jumping so maybe I'll try it!

    stop by and chat :)

  5. I visited an indoor trampoline park with my children and I could not believe the workout I got! I definitely want to purchase one of these. I will be saving this post. Thanks

  6. This sounds like fun and I imagine a great workout. It's really cool that you can share it with your son, helping him to form good workout habits too!!! After watching the video I can see how 10 minutes would give you an incredible work out, I'm amazed with how creative it is!

  7. I'm afraid I would murder myself.

  8. I'm afraid I would murder myself.

  9. Looks great Vanessa although I don't think I could do it on my head! Great workout though. Thanks for linking up with us at #AnythingGoes linkup

    1. Thank you :) I enjoy the new perspective on life upside down!

    2. I think vanessa spent more time on her head/hands than she does feet ;)

  10. What a fun way to work out, and I've heard great things about the benefits of rebounding! Love how you share your workout time with your little one. What a great way to instil a love of fitness from a young age. Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Hearth and Soul hop.

  11. I haven't been on a bungee in years. It is such a fun way to exercise. #ProductReviewParty

  12. Sounds like a great trampoline! thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. This looks so fun though my daughters would totally hog it and I'd never get a turn...LOL
    Thanks so much for linking up with us at Share The Wealth Sunday!

    1. My sons loves it so much we have to take turns. I use it the most while he's sleeping.

  14. Great Article it its really informative and innovative keep us posted with new updates. its was really valuable. thanks a lot.
    Best rebounder trampoline

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  16. This blog has a ton of useful information about rebounder workouts, and I really appreciate it. I have read a lot of blogs online, but I have never encountered this level of in-depth knowledge. I came across this blog while looking for the Best Resistance Bands for Men.
