
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Weight Loss....Ready for Support?

Weight Loss…..… What does it mean? Is it simply the number on the scale decreasing? Or is it much more?

How is weight loss achieved? Is it through fad diets? Or creating healthy lifestyle habits for the long haul?

Once the weight is gone what happens next? Does it slowly creep back up? Or is it easily maintained?

Who has all the answers to these questions? You do! It is your journey, and no one else can do it for you. It can feel scary, exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. Your journey is about learning to listen to yourself. You may be able to do what I tell you for a short period and have amazing results but unless you adapt it to what works best for you it will not stick in the long run.  So learn, try new things, change the behaviors that created the weight gain, and listen to yourself.

Components of weight loss: digestion, exercise, detoxification, and mind set.

Digestion: you can eat the healthiest foods for your body, but without a strong digestive system you are not able to absorb those healthy foods. Probiotic means for life. Probiotic foods help build up bacteria and flora throughout the intestines which promotes good digestion and builds immune system.

Exercise: Your body was designed to move. There are many different types of bodies and movement. Choose a form of movement you will do regularly (5 out of 7 days a week at a minimum).

Detoxification: Eliminating the processed foods, preservatives, pesticides, artificial coloring, artificial flavor, and overall chemical exposure.

Mind Set: Have you been at your desired weight before?
  • YES: go back to that time, what was your life like at that time?
  • NO: what do you imagine your life to be like at that weight?
Are you truly ready to lose weight?

You’ll never know what you like and what works best for you, unless you try new things.

What is working in your life right now?
What is not working in your life right now?

I have tried something difficult, and I appreciate myself for trying. How can I make this work better for me?

Your weight loss journey is yours. Personalize it to you. What motivates you? What inspires you to keep going on those tough days?

Create a journey towards a new you. It is not just about the weight, because chances are there’s a lot to discover in how the weight first came on. This is a journey to creating the body, mind, and life you’re dreaming of.


  1. Glad I found this at the #homematters Linkup!
    The support group is such a great idea. Good support can help keep you motivated, which is very essential in any weight loss program. In fact, I've touched upon this in my post - Lose Weight Forever With These 14 Easily Implementable Tips, at helpingthehomemaker. Maybe you'd like to give it a read when you have some time :)

  2. Such a great post. I've been on a weight loss journey for a couple months, and it really takes a lot of hard work and dedication. It's so great that you've started a support group because support is definitely needed. Thank you for linking up at #HomeMattersParty Hope to see you again soon

    1. Keep it going! It takes a while but that's they way it truly lasts. :)

  3. I am moving every day now. I had some heart issues this month, so I've slowed down, but I am still walking and looking forward to harder workouts. It's hard at first, but I find I crave it now.

    1. Keep listening to your body as you increase the movement. :)

  4. I love your tips, especially 'look back at when you were at your desired weight'. It was before having my child but I was really organised and disciplined and that is what has changed for sure. Time to get serious!

  5. Some excellent points made here Vanessa. Weight loss is not about losing weight but much more. In fact it is a lifestyle choice. Thanks for sharing such valuable information with us at #AnythingGoes

    1. When you change your lifestyle the weight naturally comes off :)

  6. I agree, weight loss is so much more than just losing the pounds. Great tips! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  7. The support group on facebook is an awesome idea!! Thanks for linking up on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday Link Party!! Hope to see you again tomorrow!! Love partying with you!! Pinned!

  8. Support plays a very important role in weight loss. In fact, it is so important for all lifestyle changes.
    Great post.
    Thanks for sharing it on #TipTuesday!

    1. I've seen a lot of people give up because they lacked support :(

  9. This is really cool, so pinning and sharing this. Many people would like support in their journey, it's so kind of you to open up and begin something like this, I am sure that it will help lots of people! How inspiring. Thanks for adding this to #WAYWOW linkup, it's nice to meet you and I hope to get to know you better!

  10. Thank you for your encouraging post Vanessa and sharing with us at #WednesdaysWisdom. I love that you have a support facebook group.

  11. What a great group idea. To bad I'm not on FB anymore or I'd join. Everyone on a weight loss journey can use all the support they can get since it's such an emotional rollercoaster, well it has been for me. Thanks for sharing @ Healthy Living Link Party

    1. Support is so huge in a successful weight loss journey!

  12. Components of weight loss are amazing and useful also. Exercise, detoxification are important likewise Herbal Weight Loss Tablets also helps a lot.
