
Sunday, March 1, 2015

ELPH Review

As parents, we are constantly trying to balance the world that we want to live in with the world that we actually do live in. This is where the ELPH bracelet can help.

The ELPH ("Easy Lookup to Phone Home") Band is a bracelet with a QR code. If your child is lost, they can ask a grown up “helper” to scan the bracelet for them and call one of three numbers stored on the website.

It also gives the parent the option of sharing emergency information with the “helper,” like any allergies, medical conditions or medications the child is taking.

Should the QR code not work, there is a back up number with a unique identifier code.

The ELPH Band bracelet retails for $19.99 and includes your first year of service. After a year, you can renew the service (which includes a new band) for $10.00 a year.

This is an economical way to ensure that your child has a way to get in contact with you if you are ever separated, while keeping your data safe from casual eyes.

As part of my review, I received 2 bracelets, a book and a certificate. Setting up the account through their dashboard was very easy, as is changing the bracelets between children, depending on  which one is away from home. The ELPH website is very easy to use and the drop down menus have many different options to accommodate different familial needs.

After I set up the bracelets, I then sat down with my children and we read the story, which was nicely illustrated and kept them engaged. This led to a conversation about what kind of people to ask for help, which was a good conversation to have. I liked that we were looking at positive solutions for a potential problem, instead of scaring them unnecessarily.

I had my daughter test out the bracelet, so that I could see the what the helper sees. Once the QR code is scanned, the “helper” is taken to a website that gives him or her the child’s name (if the parent chooses) then the option to call one of three numbers, from what the parent has set up.

It also gives the parent the option to share important information about the child. For example, my daughter has a seizure disorder, so I put that on the screen and then put her medicine (trileptal) in the medicine box.

When the box is scanned, ELPH automatically sends an email to the parents and/or caregiver, with the child’s location in google maps. So, even if the parent isn’t called, the parent has an idea of whether the child is where he or she is supposed to be. In fact, my husband called me after we scanned Shannon’s code to find out if there was a problem.

The bracelets come in child and adult sizes, so they are also perfect for elderly family members. Since, the bracelet also shares medical information, like allergies and medications taken, it could be a huge help.

As my children get older, they are looking for more freedom. Meanwhile, my highest priority is keeping them safe.

ELPH is a medium-tech, powerful solution. It puts the control in my child’s hands, giving them the tools to get help if, heaven forbid, they actually need it.  Basically, until I can strap a GPS unit to my kid… This is the next best thing.

ELPH Bands Website
ELPH on Facebook
ELPH on Twitter