
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Awesome Life Friday #11

Happy Awesome Life Friday #11!  Friday is also the cusp of SPRING! And the occasion of a solar eclipse! And a Supermoon! We've even had aurora borealis sightings this week - I'd say all that is some pretty awesome stuff!

We've gotten up to a few things here this week, although offline life has kept many of us too busy to write:

Lynda shares how she accidentally tested these wonderful natural facial care products way past what they claim to do - and fell in love.

Daniel took on his friend Mia Bonasso's Body by Vi Challenge, and let's us know how ViSalus products helped make it happen.

This delicious confection made by Christine is a homemade alternative that is somewhat like Nutella, only crunchy - makes a great spread or dip!

Olie makes adorable fleece shrugs with decorated hoods and built in mittens that won't get lost.  Don't forget to enter to win one for your favorite little one, newborn to size 4T!

You all have been doing some great stuff too!  Here are our featured posts this week - the competition was tough, and would have been tougher if we'd not had to eliminate a couple lovely entries due to no link back or because they were too old (but we liked reading them anyway - so thank you to ALL for sharing)!

Fantastic round up, with several on list to pin for later reference. Hooray Spring!

When delicious, nutritious and easy all come together, you've got a real winner.  This will be on  the table soon, for sure.

Shared for St. Patrick's Day, but this marvelous little sausage and potato hand pie is just right anytime you'd like a bit of comfort food on the go.

Egg Bunny (Wesens-Art)
Easter is almost here!  This fun how-to shows how to turn boiled eggs into tail - up bunnies in grassy nests. Too cute!


  1. Thank you for hosting this fun party! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Thanks for the feature! (: Love visiting each week.

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my Egg Bunny and
    thanks for hosting this party!
    Hugs from Germany

  4. Thanks for hosting. Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Thanks for hosting! This week I'm sharing an easy fish pie, which is a huge hit with my kids, and everyone else. I'm also sharing a post all about the First Day of Spring! :)
    ~ Christine | Once Upon a Time in a Bed of Wildflowers

  6. Thanks for the invite Lynda, and for hosting the party. Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Thanks for hosting this great party! Have a great weekend. If you get the chance, we would love it if you joined us for Funtastic Friday.
