
Friday, June 27, 2014

Review: OM Potions, Lotions and Balms

I've become quite smitten with the use of essential oils lately. Mostly because I love the smell, but also for their medicinal properties. When the opportunity came up for me to conduct another essential oil based review, I was very excited!

OM Potions, Lotions and Balms is a fledgling company, founded in January of 2013 by Danielle Seering. Danielle only uses essential oils to add fragrance to her products and never uses artificial scents.

The product I was given the opportunity to review is called "It's All In Your Head". Its a blend of oils designed to relieve headaches. I love the catchy name.

"It's All In Your Head" contains oil of peppermint, marjoram and bay leaf blended in a grapeseed oil base. The bottle I received retails for $4.50 and contains one dram of oil. Shipping is $3.50 if you order from her Etsy Store. The fragrance is very mild and peppermint definitely takes the lead.

I suffer from occasional migraines, so I was very anxious to give this a try. Fortunately (hah!), my body responded within days of my receiving the oil with a migraine of epic proportions. I used the oil as directed, which is to rub gently into your temples at the onset of the headache. I believe this migraine also stemmed from neck tension, so I used a bit of it to give myself a neck massage.

Then I went to lie down in a dark room and wait for the magic to happen. Unfortunately, there was no magic. I think my migraine was just more than the oil could handle. The one thing I did notice is that I didn't get nauseous like I normally do with migraines and I'm going to give the credit to the peppermint oil there. I think that, if the essential oils were a little stronger in the blend, I may have had better results.

Overall, I was not displeased with the product and I've used it a few times when I feel a slight headache creeping up. The grapeseed oil makes it a very nice base for massage and I'm looking forward to having my hubby give me a nice shoulder rub with it. . . we'll see if that ever happens.

Meanwhile, OM Potions, Lotions and Balms has several other intriguing products to try, ranging from a soothing muscle and bruise balm, to a selection of skincare products, and even some household cleaning products, all made with natural ingredients and essential oils, all for very reasonable prices - I hope you'll check them out!.

You can find OM Potions, Lotions and Balms on Etsy, on Facebook and on Tumblr.

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  1. I'd love to try these and see if they help my overwhelming headahes

  2. Thank you for sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. ♥

  3. Interesting review, I have had headaches for 20 years, tried everything, tests, medicines, including surgery and nothing stops them and many times just to have some relief would be nice.I am looking further into this.Today I am visiting your blog from Create With Joy.

    I hope you can find your way over and share your post with my Weekends Are Fun Party !!

  4. I'm swinging through from Wake Up Wednesday....thanks for sharing this post. I deal with migraines. Peppermint oil only helps regular migraines (for me). I need my actual prescribed meds to knockout a migraine.

  5. I have several friends who swear by essential oils - I am working on researching companies, so thanks for the info about this one.

  6. This is a great review and very helpful! My daughter has migranes so I think I'm going to try it. Thanks! Glad I found you on Thursdays Favorite Things!

  7. I use essential oils quite regularly and I am always looking for new companies to try. My favorite companies for these types of products are family owned or small businesses, it just seems that they take more pride in their work
