
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Review: Litter One Subscription Litter Box Kit

     Being a kitty mommy, there is one thing in my house that is the absolute most hated thing to clean-  The litterbox. Changing it is dusty and smelly, or at least it was.  Then along came Litter One, and now I can even get the Mr. to change it without complaint.

     Litter One is an all natural, completely recyclable, litterbox kit.  They are proud to offer 100% biodegradable, 100% American made litterbox kits.  The kit includes a sturdy cardboard litterbox with a false floor, a cardboard litter scoop, biodegradable waste bags, and pine pellet litter.  Each kit is designed to last 4-6 weeks.  They offer subscriptions for $24.99/kit (free shipping) when you order two or more.  You have the option of having them delivered to your door every 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks, depending on your needs.  

     When I got my kit on my doorstep, the Mr. and I had to investigate.  It comes all packed neatly in a box, which, when unfolded, becomes the litterbox.  Upon opening it, we could immediately smell the pine, which was pleasant and not overpowering (probably because it's actually pine dust pressed into pellets vs "pine" fragrance).  The pellets look like the ones we used to heat our house in WI (though those are hardwood).  Setting up the box the first time was a little confusing, even with the directions, but the second time, six weeks later, it was a breeze. 

     I'll admit, I had my doubts about the odor control of an all natural litter.  We had tried using a corn based litter before in an attempt to be more green, and the smell was so bad that we quickly changed back to our Tidy Cats. Happily, I will tell you that I was very much mistaken in my doubt.  Not only did it control the odor, but even my super sensitive nose couldn't smell ANYTHING unless I practically had my face in the litterbox.  

     There are a few tricks to this, as with every litterbox.  The most important one is to make sure you shake the box vigorously every day.  If you don't, the urine pellets (which have turned into piles of damp sawdust) won't fall through the false floor, and you can end up with damp cardboard.  The scoop is just as likely to pick up pellets as it is to pick up poo, and it ends up just being easier to use the included waste bags to pick it up.  Speaking of poo, the pellets do an amazing job of drying them out quickly, which cuts down on the gagging scent of cat poo.  

    Changing the box out is just about the easiest thing ever.  Simply place the scoop in with the pellets, close the box, and take it out to your recycling bin.  I no longer have to beg and bribe the Mr to clean it out for me! 

     Overall, I really liked this litterbox.  It's easy to clean, has ZERO smell (neither cat nor fragrance), is green, and I don't have to worry about changing it out, because the Mr. does it with no complaint!

My cat, Angel


  1. I'm really fascinated by this - we've avoided (sadly) getting a cat due primarily to concerns about litter box smells. I love that it is all biodegradable, and that they'll send you out replacements as a subscription. I am not sure about recycling though - I don't think our recycling company would let something with cat waste go through their system (we are instructed to ensure items do not have food - I have to think animal waste would also be of concern). I think I might be more inclined to let it biodegrade in a far corner of the yard.

  2. Interesting idea - I had never heard of it. Thanks so much for linking up with the Let's Get Real party this week.

  3. Wow, each box is designed to last four to six weeks is pretty impressive. We can't get our cat litter to last four to six days! Also, odor control is a must so if there is zero scent then it must be a pretty good product.
