
Monday, September 26, 2016

Corndog Muffins

So here we are, beginning Week Three in school, and my darling daughter is “sooooooo tiiiiiiired of sandwichessss” in her packed lunch.

Unfortunately, she also hates most veggies, so no salad. Chicken was also out of the question. Basically she had turned her nose up at most viable options. Nevermind the fact that she happily ate, sometimes two, sandwiches daily over the summer... Time to get creative!

These very simple Corndog Muffins pack well, can be eaten cold, and work equally well as an afternoon snack.

Corndog Muffins
(makes 12 muffins)

Cornbread mix (I like Krust-eaz, but whichever brand you prefer will do fine)
Hot dogs

I used boxed cornbread mix, but if you have a failproof recipe, by all means!  Prepare the cornbread batter according to directions.

Spray a regular sized muffin tin with nonstick oil, and fill with prepared cornbread mix, roughly 1/3 of the way up the side of the muffin cup.

Slice 4 hot dogs into thirds. Pat dry with paper towel to ensure excess juice doesn’t disrupt baking.

Push a hot dog third into the center of the filled mix. I found that twisting like a corkscrew made this stick a bit more securely in the center of the muffin.

Bake as directed on the package.

When it has finished baking, let it cool for a couple minutes and be sure to loosen edges before yanking out so as not to split muffins.

These are just fine eaten cold, or reheated in a microwave if your child's school cafeteria has one. I haven't specifically tried it, but I think these would freeze well if you'd like to stock up.


  1. So every year when the county has our fair I walk to it on Thursday and Friday and have lunch there and, every time, I get a corn dog because it is the only time I get to have them! I'm going to have to try these! Thank you for sharing with us at the To grandma's house we go link party! Pinned!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kids really can make you get creative. This is a great idea! Thank you for bringing this wonderful play on corndogs to Fiesta Friday! Antonia

  4. What an adorable idea! Anyone would love these as a meal or appetizer!

  5. Very nice and delicious, thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop, pinning and tweeting.

  6. We love corndogs at the state fair and started making our own a few years ago instead of shelling out the $20 for two at the fair. These look like such a fun version of them! Thanks for joining us at #FridayFrivolity this week!

  7. Jackie, these are absolutely cool. I'm sure that they are fun for the kids, and that they would be great for a football game or even when your children have friends stay over. I bet you could use breakfast sausages and a little cheddar cheese to have them alongside eggs in the morning too. I love that you can make a bunch at the same time so that you have them handy. Really great idea.

  8. Jackie, these are absolutely cool. I'm sure that they are fun for the kids, and that they would be great for a football game or even when your children have friends stay over. I bet you could use breakfast sausages and a little cheddar cheese to have them alongside eggs in the morning too. I love that you can make a bunch at the same time so that you have them handy. Really great idea.

  9. These little corndog muffins are so fun! I have made some similar for my kids and they really liked them a lot. #HomeMattersParty

  10. We love corndogs and this looks like a great recipe. Hope you are having a great day and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Miz Helen

  11. Hi Jackie,
    My mom made these with my daughters.
    Thanks for bringing your recipe to the Blogger's Pit Stop last week.
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew

  12. These look like a fun treat!! Thanks for sharing on the What's for Dinner link up!

  13. What kid, (big or small) wouldn't love these? Thanks for sharing them with SYC.

  14. Jackie, these corn dog muffins look delicious! What a great idea for lunch!

  15. They look they could make a great lunch snack for the little ones!
    Thanks for sharing!
