
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Review: JumpSport iBounce Kids Trampoline

My oldest daughter is 5 years old. We have debated buying her an indoor trampoline for a couple years. There are a few reasons that we have been hesitant, first and foremost being the price. Other reasons include space and safety.

This past month, I’ve had the immense pleasure of reviewing JumpSport iBounce Kids Trampoline. The price tag is in the same range as others I’ve seen, retailing for $99.95. However, I believe the comparisons stop there.

I've not only written this review but done a video review as well so you can see it's features in action!

I don’t know what I expected before it arrived, but I was surprised to see how small the box was when it arrived, obviously it meant assembly required.

According to their website, it can be “easily assembled in as little as 15 minutes!” My husband, who is generally quite handy, took one look at the provided pieces and instruction booklet, and was skeptical.

Although he did have one or two mishaps piecing it together that caused some back tracking in the process, it took him roughly 45 minutes.

I was quite impressed with the finished product. It appeared very sturdy. I was also glad to see it wouldn’t be an eyesore in my living room. It fits nicely in the corner of the room, when not being used with the television.The television, you ask?

The JumpSport iBounce comes with an active learning series featuring an adorable kangaroo named RompyRoo. This is one of the aspects that I truly believe makes this company’s trampoline different from others out there.

Sure, all trampolines are providing fitness to kids, but I love that they make a point to engage them a level further. The learning series is available as an app for iPad, as well as DVD form, which is what we used.

It tells her when to fly around (arms out to side) has her counting jumps, jumping on one foot, and running in place. It seems to keep her busy for longer than a free jump on a trampoline would, and also works her brain at the same time. Win win!

To be able to accommodate the tablet while jumping, you have the option to include a mounted tablet holder for an additional $30 - making the total $129.95.

Although we do not own a iPad, we do have a Kindle. I’m a little embarrassed to admit the electronic addiction my 5 year old has. But hey, it’s 2015, whose kid doesn’t?!  For a little bit, nearly everyday, she can usually be found sprawled out somewhere zoned out, staring at Netflix.

Ever since the addition of the iBounce to our home, she is at least doing aerobics simultaneously!

The base of the tablet holder appears made specifically for iPads, but thankfully there is an adapter to hold the Kindle securely as well. The Kindle is a bit smaller, and needs the adapter to have a snug hold. The plunging lock in the back has held up well, and has not come unlocked on its own. On the side, there is also a turning lock to adjust the angle of the frame, for comfortable watch-ability based on the hight of your child. (you can see a detailed explanation of the holder and adapter in our video review above)

The JumpSport iBounce is a triangular shape. While this isn’t unique to them strictly, I find it to be less common than the circular indoor trampolines. In my experience, kids tend to all cram onto those to jump at once, inevitable causing someone (or something!) injury. With the triangle shape it seems to pretty obvious, even to the youngsters, that this is made for one single jumper at a time. I think the large sturdy handholds assist in this as well.

Another safety feature I enjoy, though it was apparently a pain in the rear to assemble, is the ball and loop bungee cords that replace standards metal springs that you’ll find on most trampolines. I remember slipping and cutting my legs or tangling a toe on those numerous times as a kid. I’m happy to see an alternative on this piece of equipment! It also keeps it from being loud and squeaky while she jumps.

The specifications on their site say that the JumpSport iBounce is intended for ages 2-5. I was a little nervous about getting it for my 5 year old as she is on the higher end of that. However, also looking at the weight limits, she is more than 40lbs away from the maximum, so I’m hoping she will still fit on, and enjoy, this trampoline for many years, by which time, her younger sister will happily take it over!

Not that I foresee any issues, but I’m happy to see that there is a 90 day warranty on all components.

Among a handful of other awards, the JumpSport iBounce has won Creative Child Magazine’s Product of the Year award, two years in a row. I truly think it deserved that honor, and I would recommend this to anyone with children!

And if you're jealous of the little kids, check out their full line of adult fitness trampolines too.

Jumpsport Website
JumpSport Fitness Trampoline on Facebook


  1. My 4 year old would LOVE this!!

  2. My girl would have a great time with this....I like that there is the option of a mounted tablet holder, not entirely sure I would want to use it, but the option is nice :)

  3. I love the color and shape of this trampoline. I know my kids would have loved it when they were young, me too!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  4. This looks like a blast! A great way for the little tykes to use up some of that boundless energy! I love doing a pogo when I was a kid, could go on and on, it reminds me a little of that!

  5. this is cool I wish I had this for my daughter when she was smaller.

  6. My husband jokes about how our 5 month old needs one as much as she likes to bounce. I think he may be correct that she will need one in the future based on it. LoL

  7. Love the colour of the trampoline!)

  8. You done well on this review . great job on it.

  9. As a single Mom of 3, I love how I can use the JumpSport iBounce inside the house and it comes with an active learning series featuring an adorable kangaroo named RompyRoo! Nicol Bowers

  10. What a great way to keep those device-minded youngsters active!

  11. I totally need to get this for my bugaboo! Great review Jackie! Very informative!!

  12. Sturdy handle bar adds stability so kids can work on their balance & motor skills. It is a very good work out to jump.

  13. My boys would have an absolute blast and the safety feature of a handlebar will help the boys not to fall but help with their coordination and sense of balance

  14. I like that it keeps kids active while integrating their electronics. I also like that it can hold other tablets other than an iPad.

  15. This looks like a lot of fun, something my daughter would love. Not to mention, great for her heath!

  16. Amazing fun to see the post.It is a very good work out to jump sport.Could definitely use this in my house.
    Olympus Pro Trampoline,Jumpsport Trampoline
