
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Bring on the Bunnies! An Easter Roundup

I've so been enjoying grazing all the Spring and Easter crafting everyone's been doing this month!  I have to admit, I've failed this year at bringing in the spring - in my defense, other than a couple of joyfully warm days, it still feels like winter around here.

Even so, there is still time and while I enjoy eggs and chicks and daffodils as much as the next person, the thing I love best about spring symbols are the BUNNIES.

Rabbits have been associated with fertility since ancient times in many cultures, and the attachment with bunnies to Easter come by way of our Germanic immigrants - rabbits, multiply like, well, rabbits, so it is fitting that they are connected with the return of spring, and by further association, with the themes of rebirth and resurrection.  Any gardener will tell you - as soon as tender greens shoot up in the spring, rabbits will not be far behind!

Easter Bunny - Wikipedia will give a good start to the interested on the origins of the Easter Bunny and why it is such an evocative symbol for Easter for so many.

 But regardless of whether or not you find meaning in the symbolism, and what symbolism you attach to it - bunnies are cute!  Add a bunny to your home decor, and no one will miss the message: You're ready for Spring!

These are just a few of the delightful bunny-motif decoration projects I've come across recently, and I think any of them could be done this week just in time to welcome the long-earred guy with the eggs:

I hope these projects offer you as much inspiration as they have me! That's the thing about bunnies - fertility is a form of creativity, and these wonderful crafters have shown what a little creative inspiration can do!


  1. I am so in love with that bunny wreath from hats!!!

  2. Looks like I have found my easter crafts for the kiddos!! Great gifts for the grandparents :)

  3. What a great round up! Love the fluffy tail bunny art - so cute and easy to replicate! Stopping by from Sunday's Best over at Mother 2 Mother

  4. Great ideas and inspiring projects! Thanks for sharing! Love the bunny banner, so colorful!

  5. I love the denim bunny. The Crazy Bunny Lady approves. ;)

  6. Thank you for sharing this great round up! There's just something about bunnies that make me smile! Thank you for linking up with Waiting on...Wednesday at While I'm Waiting!

  7. So many cute ideas! I just love this time of year~

    Home of "Tuesday Talk" and "Pincrazy Thursday"

  8. These are all such cute ideas! Thank you for sharing at Merry Monday!

  9. I love your bunny roundup, especially the paint chip bunnies. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best linkup. Please party with us again.

  10. What a great roundup of Easter crafts and ideas! I'm very fond of bunnies this time of year too! Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Hearth and Soul hop.

  11. Lots of wonderful bunny love going on here! I love the bleached bunny. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  12. Love all your bunnies , a great round up. Thanks for sharing on #mumbomonday We look forward to seeing what you bring next week!
