
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Review: True Drool Holiday Box

When I was a child my family always spoiled our pets during the holidays. They were treated much like my sister and I were. They always had wrapped gifts under the tree to open when Santa came.

It became such a routine that our dogs learned how to open gifts and could sniff out their own under the tree. The first year we found that was true we had gone out for lunch and came home to find only 3 presents completely shredded open. All of which belonged to my dog, Dakota. He was sitting in a sea of shredded wrapping paper chewing on a bone.

From that point forward we had to wait to put his gifts under the tree until late Christmas Eve, after he had already passed out from getting all the table scraps that were tossed to him under the dining table.

My family now is very much the same. Though our dog, Angel, has not yet torn into any of her gifts, she insists on sleeping behind and under the tree. I have no clue how she has never toppled it over yet.

But, just as my dogs growing up, she always has wrapped gifts under the tree.

This year, I am happy to say, that she received the True Drool Holiday box as her gift, complete with her very own doggy stocking. When we opened it up to show her the contents she laid in front of the box and stocking just staring at it the entire morning.  This isn't her first True Drool Box review, so she knew she was in for some good times.

Once everyone was finished we took out one of the rubber balls (the one labeled snowball, we gave the coal to a friend's dog) and started to play with her. She always loves new toys. But they usually don't last very long. She is rather rough with toys and we find that most stuff we buy falls apart after just a few chomps. Not these balls! They are quite solid! I am happy to say that almost a month later and it is still whole!

She was so happy to have her very own gingerbread man. She sat staring at me the entire time I tried to open it. Which actually ended up being quite a few minutes. The wrapper on this one was a bit frustrating.

I do have to say that I was very impressed at just how much she enjoyed the Z-bone. Zukes Z-bone is a natural, grain-free dental chew with added vitamins and minerals.

For a treat that is touted as having so many health benefits, she absolutely loved it, so we can feel good about giving it to her.

The last item in the stocking was the PuppyCake Holiday Cookie Mix.

You may remember that our very own Lauren Murray did a review on the PuppyCakes Holiday Cookie Mix recently. I was given the opportunity to try out some more of their mixes. This was extremely easy to throw together and made from human-grade products.

Now, as reluctant as I was, I did go ahead and taste it. We here at RCH want to be as thorough as possible in our reviews. If it says its edible we will eat it. I must say, it actually tastes oddly like a sugar cookie. Its a little on the dry side and has a very flat flavor, but it wasn't overly sweet. My 5-year-old even tried a bite and said they were very yummy.
Even better, we got long lasting usability from the cookie cutter than came with it. We made salt dough ornaments with her name on them for our Christmas tree!

With all the goodies that come in the True Drool subscription box, the company even donates part of every sale toward a "welcome to your forever-home" kit that goes home with dogs being adopted from shelters.

You can even purchase Paw-It-Forward boxes for $20 to donate to doggies that have recently been rescued. Their monthly box will run $35.95. For the same price you can purchase one-time Gift Box. The 3 month subscription runs 92.85 and also gives you free shipping.

True Drool has been such a pleasure to work with. Their staff and the products they offer are top notch. You can really tell just how much thought and love they put into each one of their boxes.

You can check them out here:

True Drool Website
True Drool on Facebook
True Drool on Twitter
True Drool on Google+
True Drool on Pinterest

Meet Daniel


  1. Ooh lucky dog! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x

  2. How fun! My dog always gets Christmas presents, and this year I could tell he was excited when he started seeing them appearing under the tree. I like the cute winter/Christmas themed items in the True Drool box, especially the Snow"Ball" and Coal Ball

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow, I've never heard of this particular subscription box, but it seems to have better quality products than the others I've seen. Wish I could afford it, my dogs would love this.

  5. Does sound like a wonderful company. We always made sure Santa brought something for our pets when the kids were little. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
